How to Become Game Designer Without Degree


My Name is "Muhammad Usman" AK TheUsmanKai Founder of "Mysticbots Studio" with successfully delivered many successful Games.

Can i become Game Designer ?
Now, Come back to real deal. How do you make carrier in as Game Designer. 1st point is that their is NO shortcut in Life, Only Constant Effort. Do, what you like to do other wise you will give-up some day and all your effort will wasted. Their are many people, who born with skills but i am NOT one of them. I really had to work hard to become master in any thing. So i will consider you like me. Other wise you will be not here reading this. Yes, any one can become Game Designer, If you are passionate about it and will you scarify your comfort zone. Game Designing is a Skill, And Skill can be learned.

 Will i must need Degree Or Qualification ?
NO, not at all. Now a day tread of studies are changed. Every thing is available online. You even don't need to go to college. I took many interviews for job and i never ask any one about degree. Only Experience and Vision of person matters.

What skills Game Designer have ?
OoOOman its little scary but also fun. Game Designer is one of most important person in production of Game. It will took minimum 2 Years to understand and touch complete production of Game and Simulations Design.

Game Designing and Development Process ?
Game story need Gamer writer, Game Planner, Character Artist, Level Designer, Team of Programmers, 3D modeler,  Musicians, UI/UX Designers, Gamification and Project Manager. Game Designer join all pieces together and keep an eye on Quality of Game.  Game Designer all use players feedback to help to improve Game.

How Do you start to become a Game Designer ?
Firstly start playing games and try to observe things in game. This is help your mind to understand things. Use paper and starting writing your Game ideas. Writer about you game character. Doodle your game Character. You also need to learn basic sketching. You can Email me at so i can email you books.  Create Character on paper and make story.

Following are things you need to do

  • Learn Basic Sketching
  • Story Writing Of Game
  • Mockup and Concept idea of Game
  • Concept Art of Game Environment
  • Create GDD(Game Design Document) Lean Game Mechanices
  • Learn Photoshop and Illustrator for 2D Graphics
  • Learn 3D Max Or Blender for 3D Games.
  • Learn About Game Engine (i.e Unity3D, Game Maker, Unreal Engine, etc) for Game Mechanices. 
  • Finished Product

Get a job as Game Designer. I will recommend you to find any teacher or Internship in any gaming studio. Internship is always more effect than Game Design Studies from any school.

Work hard and believe in yourself, Even when no one is believe you!

If you have any Query, You can email me on 

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